Reflections On The Parsha. “Golden apples in silver casings: so are words aptly said.” (Mishlei 25:11)
The title of Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky's sefer on Chumash Bereishis, Golden Apples, is a fitting description of the author's unique approach to Torah. The phrase, which is found in Mishlei (25:11), focuses our attention on the beautiful teachings - like fine, intricate, pure silver - with which the Torah guides us to a good, Godly, and moral life. But the true treasure lies within. The Golden Apples are the deeper truths, the overarching spiritual realities that can be found within each word and phrase of the Torah. The Golden Apples connect us to the world of kedushah and enable us to tap into Hashem's light right here in this world.
Golden Apples, the first volume of Rabbi Lopiansky's teachings on Chumash to be brought to print, offers readers a new, exciting sense of discovery as they follow the author's journey into the depths of Chazal. Readers of this inspiring sefer will certainly find new clarity and insight into the familiar parshios of Bereishis, where profound messages, as well as practical lessons for a life of spiritual vitality and purpose, are revealed.
Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky is the Rosh Hayeshiva of Greater Washington - Tiferes Gedaliah. Rabbi Lopiansky learned for decades at the Mir Yerushalayim, and he continues the mesorah of his rebbeim Harav Chaim Shmuelevitz zt"l, Harav Nachum Partzovitz zt"l, and his father-in-law, Harav Beinish Finkel zt"I (the late Rosh Hayeshiva of the Mir). His approach to learning was also deeply influenced by his long association asa close talmid of Harav Moshe Shapiro zt"l Rabbi Lopiansky is the author of several Hebrew sefarim as well as two English-language books Time Pieces and the widely acclaimed Orchos Chaim Ben Torah for Life.
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