Artscroll / Mesorah
| Istrin, Rochel
| SKU: 166903
Captives Reunited - An Historical Novel by Rochel Istrin
£30.20Unit price /UnavailableFeldheim
| Vogiel, Eva
| SKU: 162131
A Weed Among the Roses - Hardback
£24.57Unit price /UnavailableMenucha
| Biniashvili, Freidele Galya Soban
| SKU: 166379
£18.30Unit price /UnavailableLehmanns
| Sumner, Sara
| SKU: 161398
Chaos in the Kitchen - Super Sleuth Trio
£7.75£19.38Unit price /UnavailableFeldheim
| Steinberg, Vogiel
| SKU: 1727
Light for Greytowers (Paperback)
£16.96Unit price /UnavailableMedium stockMenucha
| Pransky, Judith
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Mister Lister and the Two-Way Gift
£15.23Unit price /UnavailableMenucha
| Zakon, Miriam
| SKU: 157204
The Baker's Dozen, #10 Do Not Disturb
£14.42Unit price /UnavailableMedium stockIsrael Bookshop
| Blumenfeld, Mindy, Lumer, Marc
| SKU: 166885
Hillel and the Paper Menschies - Comic
£15.14Unit price /UnavailableIn stockFeldheim
| Ganz, Yaffa
| SKU: 1954
Savta Simcha and the Seven Splendid Gifts
£16.97Unit price /UnavailableMedium stockMenucha
| Adams, Fradl
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Penina Farina and the Cleanup Campaign
£16.34Unit price /UnavailableMedium stockLehmanns
| Lisker, Bashie
| SKU: 165887
£6.64£16.60Unit price /UnavailableMenucha
| Klein, Leah
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The B.Y. Times #17 Starting Over (Softcover)
£14.42Unit price /UnavailableMedium stockMenucha
| Zakon, Miriam
| SKU: 163363
The Baker's Dozen #17: No Room for Bakers! (Softcover)
£14.42Unit price /UnavailableMedium stockJudaica Press
| Walfish, Miriam
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Bubby Karp - Senior Detective Volume 1
£16.91Unit price /UnavailableMedium stockLehmanns
| Halpern, Rabbi Solomon Alter
| SKU: 154522
Prisoner & other Tales of Faith
£8.27£20.67Unit price /UnavailableJudaica Press
| Spektor, Zev
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Adventures of a Lifetime - Book1: Destination Unknown
£19.69Unit price /UnavailableLow stock