The compelling story of Rena, a sensitive young woman who traverses the huge divide between the world of the blind and the world of the sighted., finding wonder and awe in everyday miracles we take for granted: the colour of a flower, the thrill of watching a rainstorm, the charm of cuddling a baby, the marvel of seeing cottony clouds scudding past against the brilliant blue of the sky. Rena's restored vision quickly separates her, against her will, from her lifelong friend, Dini, who remains behind in the School of the Blind, but it affords her the means of tracing her beloved grandmother's sister who disappeared after the siblings were separated during the Holocaust. Bracha Rosman, a seasoned novelist and short-story writer, has mastered the art of subtly portraying characters through dialogue; of weaving various strand of plot into fascination, seamless, page-turner; and of tugging at out hearts with her sensitive understanding of human nature. The writer never forgets to give credit where credit is due: the unseen but ever-present Hand of Hashem, without Whose hashgachah none of the elements of this or any life story would coalesce.
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